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Consideration of ethical, legal and social aspects currently have the highest priority in R&D funded by public and private bodies. To respond to this need, Plus Ethics has developed a methodology of ethics, legal and social applied to international and national R&D (Ethical and Legal Intelligence).

Legislative adjustment of projects

Delimit international, national and institutional legal frameworks, especially those issues related to privacy and data protection, with the aim of establishing guiding legal principles that guarantee the suitability of project to the current legal framework.

Monitoring of ethical and legal risks (ELSA review)

To monitor compliance with legal and ethical standards to address dilemmas arising from the development of the project, offering advice, protocols and training for its resolution.

Evaluation of social desirability and social impact

Conduct empirical-based ethical studies in order to obtain data that will help shape new moral needs and the social and professional acceptability of scientific research.

Implementation of ethical codes of conducts

Development of codes of good practice adapted to each type of project and partner.

Responsible exploitation and dissemination of results

Implementation of different aspects of the relationship between research and innovation and society: citizen participation, open access, gender equality, scientific education, ethics and governance.


We provide training courses and workshops on the detection and evaluation of ethical and legal issues of R&D for researchers, R&D managers and technology-based entrepreneurs working on the preparation and development of projects.

To know the main concepts associated to the reflection and evaluation of the ethical issues in R&D.

To identify the best ethical approach of technological and scientific projects to European calls for proposals.

To know the main ethical topics of R&D, as well as the avant-garde ones for moral reflection.

To know and develop ethical decision-making models.


We detect and analyze ethical needs in public and private organizations, and develop responsible strategies and initiatives through:

Detection and establishment of the framework of Resposible Research and Innovation and Corporate Social Responsibility..

Development of ethical codes of conduct and good practices.

Responsible exploitation and dissemination of goods through communication strategies, comprehensive data protection and privacy plans.

Empirical studies for the evaluation of the desirability and social impact of goods..



There are several European and Anglo-Saxon countries that provide sanctions to companies and organizations for crimes committed by any of its members in the course of their work activities. Having a criminal compliance program in place can mitigate or even exempt a company’s or organization’s criminal liability.

At Plus Ethics we develop and implement criminal compliance programs for companies and public and private organizations covering the following aspects:

Elaboration and validation of ad hoc instruments for the measurement of the risk of criminal or penal commission by means of general and specific indicators adapted to each type of institution.

Development of action protocols for the prevention of crime within the company based on the empirical evidence gathered in (1) and advice for its implementation.

Development of studies on regulatory compliance and business culture of workers to obtain empirical evidence for the construction of explanatory and predictive models of compliance with criminal law.

Audit and monitoring of compliance with general and specific indicators and, consequently, revision and updating of action protocols.

Design and implementation of ethical codes of conduct and disciplinary systems adapted to each type of organization.

Training and awareness-raising to improve decision-making in line with the specific criminal compliance programme

Documentary procedure to obtain the certification of the ISO/UNE 19601:2017 by AENOR.