Ethical and Legal scope in Big Data for Tourism Management
Plus Ethics is part of the multidisciplinary team of the second edition of the University Expert Course in Big Data for Tourism Management at the Miguel Hernández University in Elche (UMH). Francisco Javier Castro and Ana Belén Gómez will be responsible for training students with a session entitled Ethical and legal scope in the use of personal data in the era of Big Data.
As very aptly stated on the official website of the course: “the Big Data has appeared with great force in the businesses and is generating the need for new professional specialists, knowledgeable about the most used methodologies and tools. This university expert course offers a practical training that will enable our students to implement Big Data solutions in companies linked to tourism, in any of its forms. Throughout the course will address subjects as demanded as the prediction of the occupation, segmentation of the customers based on their consumption habits, definition of new KPIs of special relevance, strategies of online marketing and optimal management of social media , among other topical issues”.